Turn Your Digital Products into Profit Sell on MG Technologies’ Marketplace

Become a part of our marketplace and showcase your website templates, WordPress themes and plugins to a large and engaged audience.

Make Money Doing What You Enjoy

Our extensive knowledge in digital product sales positions MG Technologies as the go-to marketplace for designers, developers, and studios to connect with relevant clients and exhibit their work internationally.

How to Sell Digital Products to Get Higher Profit

Higher Profit Potential

Enjoy top commission rates, Authors with exclusive products earn 60% commission, while non-exclusive products earn 50%. Hit 50K in sales, and your commission jumps up to 65%.

Publisher-Defined Pricing

Publishers can take advantage of the publisher-directed pricing policy. It gives you the ability to set custom prices for website templates, graphics, audio, and video.

Affiliate Partnership

Authors who promote their website themes and graphics as promotion affiliates benefit from two commission rates: 30% as affiliates and 65% as authors, totaling a 95% cut from such sales.

Commitment to Excellence

As an MG Technologies Author, your passion for excellence matches our goal to offer top digital products. Your careful attention to detail and focus on quality ensure our customers get the best products.

Which Digital Merchandise You Can Offer on Marketplace

We accept multiple product types and continuously grow the marketplace. Check the technologies that are now in stock or send us a request if you would like to sell something completely new on MG Technologies.

Website Templates

Partner with MG Technologies to sell your WooCommerce, Joomla, Shopify, OpenCart, Magento, Drupal, HTML, Bootstrap, Admin, PrestaShop templates, and more. Your web themes will be prominently shown on our top category pages, receiving consistent traffic and your profit on sales.

WordPress Themes

Experience the power of your WordPress themes reaching a global audience! We embrace and showcase a variety of WordPress themes for sale on our marketplace. From sleek business templates to dynamic portfolio designs, your creations have a home here. Join us and let your WordPress themes shine on our platform.


Ready to revolutionise the digital world? Share your plugin with a global audience by listing it on MG Technologies' digital marketplace. Whether it's a WordPress Plugin, PrestaShop Module, Magento Extension, or JavaScript element, we're committed to exploring new territories and niches, making it the perfect place for your innovation to shine.

Graphic Designs

Got a collection of videos and music files collecting digital dust? Don't let them go to waste! Share them on MG Technologies and turn your digital assets into a passive income stream. With just a few clicks, you can start earning money effortlessly. Upload your files now and unlock the earning potential of your media library!


Set your imagination free and create your masterpiece with MG Technologies. As a talented graphic designer, you hold the key to transforming ideas into visual marvels. In our digital marketplace, your creations—be it captivating logos, innovative fonts, professional CV templates, elegant certificate designs, or mesmerising illustrations—will find a global audience eager to be inspired by your ingenuity..

3D Models

Explore new dimensions in digital creativity! At our marketplace, we proudly accept and showcase a wide array of 3D models for sale. Whether you're a seasoned professional or an emerging talent, our platform provides the perfect stage to monetize your 3D creations. Join us today and unlock the potential of your designs in the exciting world of digital commerce.

Support at Your Convenience
Instant Chat Support

Get immediate assistance through our live chat service. Click on the chat icon at the bottom right corner of our website to connect with a support agent in real-time.

Convenient Email Support

For detailed inquiries or issues, you can reach us via email at info@mgtechnologies.co.in. Our team will respond within 24 hours to help resolve your concerns.

Direct Phone Support

Speak directly with our support team by calling (+91) 75089-19681. Our phone support is available Monday to Friday, from 9 AM to 6 PM IST.

What Community Says about the Marketplace

Aravind Reddy

I submitted an HTML e-commerce template to MG Technologies. The entire submission process was quick and user-friendly. This marketplace has provided an excellent opportunity to reach a wide audience.


Alice Brown

On October 2, 2023, I ventured into MG Technologies Marketplace with my newest HTML multipurpose template. The submission process was smooth and straightforward, making it an enjoyable experience.


Kunal Desai

On June 5, 2023, I submitted a WordPress theme to MG Technologies Marketplace. The process was quick and easy, and the support team was very helpful. I made my first sale within 10 hours, and it felt fantastic.

Make Your Passion Profitable

Engage with a talented, inspiring community of creatives and earn from your passion.