Quarca - HTML Responsive Admin Dashboard Template

Quarca is a powerful admin dashboard template based on the latest Twitter Bootstrap framework. Built with HTML5, CSS, jQuery and LESS, this template can be used for whatever purpose you want; be it an amazing admin panel to control your website/app or a high-end web application. Each pixel has been carefully crafted to look fantastic and has been optimized to allow unlimited customization.

Key Features

  • Validated HTML5
  • Cross-browser compatibility
  • Fully mobile optimized(Responsive)
  • Drag Drop & Resize Widgets
  • 9 themes available
  • Create unlimited themes with LESS
  • All-in-One Sidebar
  • Well-documented

File Included

  • HTML files
  • CSS files
  • JS files
  • afari
  • Opera
  • Layered PSD
  • PSD

Libraries and Plugins

  • Flot Charts
  • Chart.js
  • Easy Pie Chart
  • Sparklines
Regular Single Site

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Compatible Browsers

Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge

Technologies Used

HTML 5, CSS 3, JS, jQuery


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